Detaysoft's e-Transformation solutions, industry-specific know-how, and integration with the SAP platform enable the management of all processes on a single platform.
Serving to over 350 companies from over 20 industries throughout their digital transformation processes, Detaysoft enhances each business process from production to customer satisfaction and employee experience, and offers value driver solutions. With a 100% national capital, Detaysoft, the leading SAP business partner in Turkey, is the only Turkish brand representing UnitedVARs, the SAP solution partners community, in Turkey. Detaysoft that realizes projects in over 20 countries has been in cooperation with SOCAR efficiently since 2015.
Detaysoft, which offers HR solutions to SOCAR subsidiary companies, is consulting and supporting their SAP HR applications. SOCAR subsidiaries manage their HR processes on SAP completely, including employee rights, time management, and payroll. Accordingly, Detaysoft provides SAP-integrated enhancements based on the needs of the HR department of SOCAR. While performing activities in order to unify the business processes of all companies which are acquired by SOCAR Turkey afterward, Detaysoft combines the business processes on SAP. For instance, each company uses the same payroll template.
e-Transformation range in action
Detaysoft's e-Transformation solutions, industry-specific know-how, and being able to integrate with the SAP platform enable the management of all processes on a single platform. In this context, receiving, sending and viewing invoices besides data configurations can be completed via the interfaces in authorization-based SAP ERP.
It draws the attention to companies in the scope of e-Invoice by automating master data management regularly with the help of web services. It also offers simple and functional interfaces to allow users to track their invoicing transactions within SAP and on a portal basis. Similar to e-Invoice, e-Ledger, e-Waybill, and e-Archive products are also applications with full integration into SAP, having the accreditation of the Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA). Detaysoft's service-based e-Account Statement product accesses banking web services online via the SAP system, providing instant account transactions.
The product both converts various services of banks into a single format and blocks unauthorized access. Accordingly, SOCAR leverages this solution efficiently to access factual data updated at any moment and execute banking transactions promptly.
DDS scope should be specified
Among the solutions offered to SOCAR by Detaysoft, Direct Debit System (DDS) Solution integrates with four major banks in three SOCAR companies. Including the receivables of companies with widespread dealers and sales organizations from dealers and distributors they sell goods and services in the scope of guarantee up to the credit limit allocated in favour of the dealer, DDS is an automatic collection system that allows the relevant collection to be transferred automatically from the dealer accounts to the primary company account. SAP integration is crucial in tracking the related steps in the operational system and assisting cash flow planning by instantly integrating the processes managed by banks with the SAP system. It enables the creation of a setup that helps you follow the DDS limits defined in banks within the SAP system and the management of the limits by integrating them with the bank. Thanks to these integrations, invoices issued to customers, dealers and distributors, included within the scope of DDS, are also submitted to the relevant banks. It also ensures the integration of the current amount with the bank by setting off the effects of collection-reducing records, including return invoices, with the invoices subject to DDS. At the maturity date, it enables the invoice collection wholly or partially by receiving it via the integration with the SAP system.
Detaysoft provides SOCAR SAP-integrated e-solutions. We can list these e-solutions as e-Invoice, e-Ledger, e-Waybill, e-Archive, and e-Account Statement. The companies integrated with these solutions are:
STAR Rafineri A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Ortak Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş.
SOCAR Power Enerji Yatırımları A.Ş.
SOCAR Power Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.
Rafineri Holding A.Ş.
SCR Müşavirlik ve İnşaat A.Ş.
SOCAR Petrokimya Yatırımları A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Elektrik Yatırımları Holding A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Fiber Optik A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Petrokimya A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Havacılık A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Akaryakıt Depolama A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Enerji A.Ş.
SOCAR Gemi Acenteliği A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Araştırma Geliştirme ve İnovasyon A.Ş.
SOCAR Turkey Yatırım A.Ş.
SOCAR Türkiye Petrol Enerji
Azoil Petrolcülük A.Ş.
SIBC Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A.Ş.
Detaysoft develops innovative solutions supported by TUBITAK in its R&D center established in 2013, streamlining business processes in HR and financial applications by offering e-Health, e-SSI, and SSI Incentive solutions, e-Account Statement, e-Declaration, and e-Producer, besides mandatory e-solutions. Some solutions developed in Detaysoft R&D center are:
LearnPlus, Detaysoft's SAP-approved solution suite, prevents postponing training plans and offers an ongoing learning culture even in remote working conditions.
Detaysoft's Ministry-certified e-Health solution simplifies and accelerates the health-related processes of institutions. Working integrated with SAP ERP and the Ministry's system, the solution allows occupational physicians to track the physical condition of employees.
Detaysoft's e-SSI solution allows the management of all SSI processes in a single point. The e-Declaration solution can also be integrated with the e-Employment Start Declaration and e-Employment Exit Declaration.
Detaysoft's Organization Chart solution enables displaying the organizational structure of the institution in different formats and retrieving and saving the printouts of retroactive charts.
Detaysoft's Accounts Payable solution allows monitoring the deductions from the employees, including installments and advances, via SAP and managing all payables-related processes in a single point.
Detaysoft's SSI Incentive solution ensures the incentive calculation, promptly and safely, with maximum amounts while monitoring the incentive process via the SAP system.
For Detaysoft's e-Transformation solutions: