Detaysoft’s SSI Incentive Solution is a product that enables fast and secure calculation of maximum incentives and to follow the incentive process through SAP, leaving time-consuming, demanding calculations behind.
• Identify which laws individual employees should benefit from to ensure you obtain the highest incentives.
• Find the number of employees who can benefit from a specific law by calculating current and average employees figures in a single report.
• Find the average number of employees by adding those employed by subcontractors, which are not recorded in the SAP system, to the total number of employees.
• Based on the number of beneficiaries, assign the law number that will yield the highest incentive to the eligible employees.
• We also make additional enhancements according to your needs and expectations.
• Ensure maximum security without giving your SSI login credentials.
• Simplify complex calculations resulting from different incentive utilization conditions and ensure their accuracy.
• Benefit from the full and maximum incentive amount among the laws that apply to individual employees.
• Analyze and report the total incentive amounts in detail.