QuIK Pack Solution

QuİK Pack



QuİK Pack

With the dizzying pace of difficult competitive environment in the businnes world, the companies are directed to develop and implement human resources strategies that create value to achieve their goals. Today's managers have to find the right people for the right job instead of using feelings and traditional methods as never before and to keep talent at hand providing added value and employees solutions that will make their employees happy. Detaysoft has developed QuİK Pack to support companies’ approach to human resources that will carry them into the future and to address this using the knowledge and experience it gained from HR projects and the business intelligence solutions of SAP.

Why Detaysoft QuİK-Pack?

Low Maintenance and Development Costs

Thanks to its flexible structure, development facility easily by the end user

User Friendly

Simple and easy to use interface with simple design

SAP / Non-SAP Integration

100% compatible with all systems

QuİK Pack offers companies an end to end human resource decision support system and a rapid deployment with low cost of ownership advantages.






Conceptual Design



Testing Phase


High Performance

Thanks to summarized data, immediate access to information

Experience in HR Processes

Detaysoft’s 25 years of experience in HR processes

Quick Applicability

Without the need for conceptual design, integration in a short time

To find out about QuİK Pack solution, please contact us.

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