Digital Signature is data in electronic form that is associated with other data in electronic form to verify identification of the signatory.
Detaysoft creates e-transformation solutions that comply with different countries’ regulations.
• Like a handwritten signature, electronic signature proves whether or not the signature data associated with an electronic document belongs to you.
• Digital Signature provides the same legal standing as a handwritten signature.
• Digital Signature shows that the information transmitted in electronic transactions is not changed and that it belongs to the sender.
• Digital Signature guarantees the authenticity of the signatory’s identification and therefore its legitimacy.
• Lets you import PDF files generated in non-SAP applications into the SAP system, have instructions signed by designated authorized persons, and drop the signed documents to SFTP.
• Allows all PDF print-outs to be signed.
• Offers ease of use through Fiori screens.
• Permission forms approval process
• Approval processes for payment instructions
• Work orders
• Procurement approval processes
• Compliant with Law No. 5060 on Electronic Signature.
• Ensures that Digital Signature processes are carried out reliably and in a manner to have legal consequences.
• Saves on labor and time.
• Helps you to take your business processes into the electronic environment.
• Accelerates your workflow by integrating with mobile signature.